Restarting, rebooting, reseting.

A new year, a renewed interest in robotics!

Going to resume this project, it has been sitting for too long on my shelf, waiting to be brought alive.
Currently, I am writing the code from scratch (again.) This WIP program should make everything run faster, and with less blocked code. It is very limited in functionality, calling it WIP is a understatement, maybe? 

As shown in the pictures, I have labeled each servo with its port number and code name, this will help me in debugging as well as pose designing (make the robot walk, sit, etc.)

Also, all servo horn brackets are now 3D printed, thus making them lighter and a bit more forgiving if the servos push too far (it will bend and recover instead of warping like the original metal brackets). Picture #2 was taken before I swapped all of the brackets; notice how the hip servos are mounted vertically instead of horizontally as with picture #1 and picture #3.

Due to a project, I have been working on other 3D models and printing, thus I have not been working on the 3D model of BASE.001. I hope that in the future I will be able to completely make the robot's body out of 3D printed parts. 

Am thinking about replacing the servos with serial motors/servos, aka "smart" servos, still looking for a affordable yet powerful model.

So in conclusion:
  • New code in the works (already uploaded to the Github repo).
  • Labeled all servos for clarity.
  • All servo horn brackets are now 3D printed.
  • Full 3D model of body is put on hold.
  • "Smart" servo replacements?
As always, I'm still learning, so comments, critiques, and compliments are always appreciated! 

Happy New Year! Here's to more progress!

#diyprojects #electronics #humanoid #esp8266  #arduino #robotics

[Original post on Jan 7, 2022 9:30PM PST on Blogger]
