Print more brackets.

Working latest code of my BASE.001 robot is now live on github!

I usually don't publish my code online, but since the goal of this project is to share about my journey in building robots, it only makes sense to share the code as well.
You can also see the new, beautiful 3d printed black brackets on the robot. While they flex more than the metal brackets, they return to their original shape more or less, so less chances of "bending" and causing problems for me when recalibrating the servos after a disassembly.
Goals for next update:
  • Finish printing more brackets for the legs and maybe start experimenting with 45-degree brackets for the arms and legs.
  • Make it walk more stable.
  • More future goals:
  • Add distance sensor for autonomous walking/obstacle avoidance.
  • Share 3D model files (not sure where to put them yet)
  • Remake the body in Autodesk Fusion.
  • Make a website/blog/thingy to log project progress???
As always, I'm still learning, so comments, critique, and compliments are always appreciated! 😆
#diyprojects #electronics #humanoid #arduino #robotics

[Original post on May 15, 2021 2:20AM PST on Facebook]
