Fully Printed: V1.
Ta-da! Behold, BASE.001's fully 3D printed body (V1)! It took a while, but I was able to make it work ok. The biggest issue with the model is that the hip, knee, and ankle isn't designed to bend much due to how I mounted the servos. I also rewrote the code for the ESP32's FreeRTOS; built-in tasks and non-blocking code woohoo! It haven't been able to walk though... so I will be starting over again, because certain joints are too limited, and the hip box is too big. The next leg design will be inspired by various types of humanoids such as TonyPi, Kondo HR-3, and others. For walking, I am reading and studying the works of Dr.Guero2001 on his Kondo HR-3; Dr.GIY on his dancing robots; and WatakoLab on their custom humanoids. I will be uploading the code and the STL files to the github repo sometime in the future, please note it is very much a Work-In-Progress! [Original post on May 4, 2022 9:10PM PST on Blogger]